Sunday, November 15, 2009

AR blog Nov. 15

How is my Action Research project unfolding?
Our Film Techies class is going well.  I only had nine students on Nov. 5, there are several that forget, or they have something else they have to go to.  I am having class this week from 1:15-2:15 because they are out early for SEP’s this week.  I am sending out emails to all of them to remind them and invite them to read my blog at:
I wrote about the last class on there.  We redid the composition assignment, making sure that the students knew how to delete photos they didn’t want.  They were instructed to only have five shots left on the card from their work.  This made it easier for me to critique them; it didn’t take nearly as much time.
I have printed their best work for a display outside of my room.  I have also uploaded their best work to Picasa, and published it to those parents.  I don’t know how to publish them publicly.
News Techies last week had to be done by Ms. Lebaron because I was not in school on Friday.  I worked with Mr. Keeler’s class this week on Thursday and Friday.  I had a workshop to go to in Salt Lake and was supposed to leave at 1:00, so I had very little time.  I did the editing in 1 ½ hrs, a record!  It’s a 6:30 min. clip.

I am working on getting written permission from every student in the school for publishing their pictures on the Internet.  I know that’s a lofty goal.  It’s taken 5 weeks with 1st and 2nd grade resending the note to non-responders three different times.  I am hoping it will be easier with the other grades because I’ve given them to the teachers and asked that they have the parent fill it out AT their SEP appointment.  I gave them the papers with the student’s name on it, and a check-off list for them to use.  When they get about 95%, they’ll give them back to me.  I’ll just ask those 5% I can’t film to step behind the camera when I film things for the news.  Then I can upload more things to School Tube. (Go to search for Coral Canyon Elementary in Washington, Utah.)  I have two different newscasts uploaded there already.
I’ve had a hard time getting all the permissions I need to put my short film, “Very Hungry Caterpillar” on the web.  Hopefully, the teacher has gotten those last two papers this week for me.
How am I tracking data?
I am taking roll, and writing their critiques on a computer so I have those records.  I am keeping parents’ replies to my emails and hoping they will comment more on my blog.  I am writing a survey for the parents to take, and will give them another one when the cycle is over.  Can any of you critical friends think of anything else I should be tracking?
What’s happening that I didn’t expect?
I didn’t expect it would be hard to get 20 interested students that could stay after school for the class!  Thursdays aren’t the best day, I think. Unfortunately I am committed on some Mondays and Tuesdays after school, so I might try Wed. for the second cycle.
Probably the biggest thing that I didn’t expect happened this Thursday.  Three boys had one of our $200 cameras outside on a tripod shooting stop-motion animation. The wind came up and blew the tripod over, and my camera that was 3 months old is now toast.  I called a camera repair shop and they said that Canon charges $150 minimum, plus shipping, and will only guarantee the fix for 30 days.  The camera has a $50 rebate to buy a new one, so it would be cheaper to buy a new one.  Unfortunately, I don’t have the money to buy a new one.  A fellow teacher said she saw an ad at Penny’s for $30 digital cameras that will hold 100 pictures.  I think I’ll look into those.  I have also decided that I need to keep a tighter handle on the groups, and go to a place together, so I can supervise the shoots at all times.  Unfortunately, technology is expensive and children are still children.
Has this month’s class shaped your AR project?
No, I can’t say this month has shaped it at all.  I don’t see myself using Flash much in the future either.  It is very technical and difficult.  The time invested in the project for the month is way more than it’s worth for the product I am producing.   I wouldn’t try teaching it to children either.  As Andrew B. remarked in our Wimba session, “iMovie = tricycle; Flash = 10-speed.”  And others remarked “Or more!”  I totally agree.  I am going to have to teach the students editing on Windows Movie Maker.  Our school is getting PC laptop labs that I can use, and they also allowed me to purchase a portable hard drive so I could do movie editing with students.  Now I think I need to have them purchase several $30 cameras so the students won’t be using their $200 cameras.  I need to talk to my principal about that.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Film Techies best work-part 2

Film Techies best work

Film Techies for Nov. 5, 2009

We had a small group this day. It would be great if you could all remind your student on Thursdays! I know many of them forget. I was glad I decided to have them redo the composition assignment. I think going through each photo and critiquing has helped them realize they should stop and think before they take the shot. This week I had them choose 5 of the shots (listed in the last post) and redo them. They did much better! I also made sure they knew how to erase pics, and told them to only take 5. I am posting their best work from last week and this week here. Your student can tell you which ones were his/hers.
We will have Film Techies class this week, Nov. 12 from 1:15-2:15. (School’s out early.) When you come in for SEP’s, I’d love to visit with you for a minute if you’d like to come in the drama room (#26). If they can bring a still digital camera again this week, please send them. I can lock them up in my room in the morning before school. It really helps to have more cameras. We will be doing our stop motion animation project for the next couple of weeks.
I am also sending a survey link to you. (10 questions) Please take it online now and respond so I can have you do another follow-up survey at the end of our class in December.
Thanks for your support!
Karlene Young

Monday, November 2, 2009

Film Techies/News Crew Oct. 29

Film Techies
Our first assignment last week (Oct. 29th) was to shoot each of these shots with good composition, rule of thirds, balance, open space in the front of subject, etc.
1. Establishing Shot, 2. Wide shot, 3. Medium shot, 4. Close up, 5. Extreme Close-up, 6. Low angle, 7. High angle, 8. Dutch angle, 9. Over the shoulder, 10. Two-shot.
I was a little surprised that the students did not do better than they did. I’m sure many of them have had very little experience with a digital camera, so I have to take that into account. I am giving them a black and white hard copy of each of their pictures next week. We will go through each person’s work and analyze them. One girl had 3-4 good ones, but that was the most. Many didn’t do all 10 shots. I want them to try again on this assignment, because I feel that they didn’t try very hard.
I want to move on to stop-motion animation this next week, but we will see if we can improve their composition before we do that. I will be prepared to show them some work with stop-motion. Hopefully this will get them excited to try it. I have also had a hard time getting everyone there. There is a lot of sickness going around; I know that is a factor. I gave everyone that wasn’t there a copy of the assignment they could do at home. Two students brought their own cameras; that helped with the number of people on a team. We had enough to have only two students on a team. Parents-please let your student bring a digital still camera this week if possible. (Nov. 5) We don't need a video camera yet.
News Crew
Mrs. Ashmore's class did the filming for the news this week. I have it published (minus the Halloween carnival pics) on We learned a hard lesson this week: Always check your work! On two takes the camera wasn't recording, so we didn't have the shot when I tried to edit. This week, Ms. LeBaron will be doing the filming with her crew because I will not be in school on Friday. They came in today and did the initial writing for it.