Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Karlene Young Wk 3 – Publishing/Leadership project part 2 of 3 - Response to Laura Rebecca’s Post

Laura’s Post:
Week 3: this week's assignment--Leadership Project
This week (and last week) I have been focusing most of my mental energy to the final Leadership Project. I decided to go with the PowerPoint option, only because I am a visual person in terms of my learning style and my communication strengths, and conveying information in a visual medium has always been more comfortable for me. However, I am struggling with getting all of the necessary information on just a handful of slides (I recall the logistics of this were discussed in the Wimba, and I get it, but...) because, from an aesthetic perspective, I find a hard time getting all the information that I feel is valuable and relevant on five or six slides without clutter or just visual chaos.
To illustrate my conundrum: so far, I have my project down to a mere 19 slides (really, 17 if you remove my title slide and my closing slide) and I don't know what to cut next. When I teach my Film classes, I always tell my students to film as much as they can, because they'll never know what they may need in the editing room; on the other hand, the hardest part of post-production is not what to include, but what to edit out. I find myself in that very same situation. I wonder if some of it is emotional, this inability to "let go" of that which I have consumed myself with over the last ten months. Hopefully, in the next few days (as I don't have the luxury of time) I will be in a place where I can let some of the slides go, and aspire to succinctness rather than verbosity.

My response:
Laura-I feel your pain! I also went to take a look at your presentation so far. It actually inspired me! You have a good start, but you are so strong in video, have you thought about putting the info-especially from the lit review-into a video instead? I think I’ll just write mine as a paper, even though I feel like the visual is much more appealing. I think the final video project we are to do should in some way be tied to this presentation project. AHH! I’m in a quandary also.

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